• Ahl Review on the Hadith "al-Shayikh among his People is Similar to a Prophet in his Nation" [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2015- 2016, Pages 77-99]

  • Allamah Majlisi Comparative Study of Feiz Kashani and Majlesi Views on the Meaning of the Reason on the basis of Shiite Hadiths [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2015- 2016, Pages 9-29]

  • Allamah Tabatabai Allamah Tabatabai's Premises Understanding of Hadiths in al_Bayan Fi al_Movafeghate Bain al_Hadithe va al_Quran. [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2015- 2016, Pages 151-173]

  • Ashbah Hadiths Fiqh al-Ḥadith Study of ʾAẓillah and ʾAshbaḥ Narrations [Volume 2, Issue 1, 2015- 2016, Pages 49-71]

  • Azillah Hadiths Fiqh al-Ḥadith Study of ʾAẓillah and ʾAshbaḥ Narrations [Volume 2, Issue 1, 2015- 2016, Pages 49-71]


  • Criticism Prescriptive Precedence of Criticism of Document or Text [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2015- 2016, Pages 125-149]

  • Criticism of the transmitter Chain and Textual Analysis of the Ḥadith “There is no Mahdi except Jesus” in the Sunni Sources [Volume 2, Issue 1, 2015- 2016, Pages 27-47]

  • Criticism Precedence Prescriptive Precedence of Criticism of Document or Text [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2015- 2016, Pages 125-149]


  • Dhar world Fiqh al-Ḥadith Study of ʾAẓillah and ʾAshbaḥ Narrations [Volume 2, Issue 1, 2015- 2016, Pages 49-71]

  • Discovery of the Properties The role of intellect in realization the properties of Hadith meaning and extension of its Understanding [Volume 2, Issue 1, 2015- 2016, Pages 155-179]

  • Divine attribute Explanation of the position of Divine Mercy in the Qudsi Ḥadiths (Based on Content Analysis Method) [Volume 2, Issue 1, 2015- 2016, Pages 99-131]

  • Document Prescriptive Precedence of Criticism of Document or Text [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2015- 2016, Pages 125-149]


  • Ethics Documentary and Textual Analysis of the Hadith “Mubahatah” [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2015- 2016, Pages 55-75]


  • Feiz kashni Comparative Study of Feiz Kashani and Majlesi Views on the Meaning of the Reason on the basis of Shiite Hadiths [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2015- 2016, Pages 9-29]

  • Feqh al-Hadith Chain and Textual Analysis of the Ḥadith “There is no Mahdi except Jesus” in the Sunni Sources [Volume 2, Issue 1, 2015- 2016, Pages 27-47]

  • Feqh al-Hadith Fiqh al-Ḥadith Study of ʾAẓillah and ʾAshbaḥ Narrations [Volume 2, Issue 1, 2015- 2016, Pages 49-71]

  • Feqh al-Hadith Fiqh al-Ḥadith Methods of Kulayni in the Explanation of al-Kafi Ḥadiths [Volume 2, Issue 1, 2015- 2016, Pages 133-153]

  • Feqh al-Hadith Review on the Hadith "al-Shayikh among his People is Similar to a Prophet in his Nation" [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2015- 2016, Pages 77-99]

  • Feqh al-Hadith Allamah Tabatabai's Premises Understanding of Hadiths in al_Bayan Fi al_Movafeghate Bain al_Hadithe va al_Quran. [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2015- 2016, Pages 151-173]

  • Forging of Tradition Critical Analysis of Traditions Indicating Star Fall on the Imam Ali's House [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2015- 2016, Pages 101-123]


  • Generalization The role of intellect in realization the properties of Hadith meaning and extension of its Understanding [Volume 2, Issue 1, 2015- 2016, Pages 155-179]


  • Hadith The role of intellect in realization the properties of Hadith meaning and extension of its Understanding [Volume 2, Issue 1, 2015- 2016, Pages 155-179]

  • Hadith Comparative Study of Feiz Kashani and Majlesi Views on the Meaning of the Reason on the basis of Shiite Hadiths [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2015- 2016, Pages 9-29]

  • Hadith Documentary and Textual Analysis of the Hadith “Mubahatah” [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2015- 2016, Pages 55-75]

  • Hadith Prescriptive Precedence of Criticism of Document or Text [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2015- 2016, Pages 125-149]

  • Hadiths Chain and Textual Analysis of the Ḥadith “There is no Mahdi except Jesus” in the Sunni Sources [Volume 2, Issue 1, 2015- 2016, Pages 27-47]

  • Historical Traditions Traditions tomb of Adam, conflict and Solutions [Volume 2, Issue 1, 2015- 2016, Pages 9-25]


  • Intellect The role of intellect in realization the properties of Hadith meaning and extension of its Understanding [Volume 2, Issue 1, 2015- 2016, Pages 155-179]

  • Interpretative Narrations Comparative Investigation of the Siyaq (text style) in al-Mizan and Tafsir al-Hadith in order to Evaluation of the Narratives [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2015- 2016, Pages 31-53]

  • Israeeliat Fiqh al-Ḥadith Study of ʾAẓillah and ʾAshbaḥ Narrations [Volume 2, Issue 1, 2015- 2016, Pages 49-71]


  • Jesus son of Mary Chain and Textual Analysis of the Ḥadith “There is no Mahdi except Jesus” in the Sunni Sources [Volume 2, Issue 1, 2015- 2016, Pages 27-47]

  • Jurist Research on Validation of Narrations about “Maʿaʾish alʿIbad” Based on the Imami Jurist Viewpoint [Volume 2, Issue 1, 2015- 2016, Pages 73-97]


  • Kafi Fiqh al-Ḥadith Methods of Kulayni in the Explanation of al-Kafi Ḥadiths [Volume 2, Issue 1, 2015- 2016, Pages 133-153]

  • Kulayni Fiqh al-Ḥadith Methods of Kulayni in the Explanation of al-Kafi Ḥadiths [Volume 2, Issue 1, 2015- 2016, Pages 133-153]


  • Maaesh Ibad” narrations Research on Validation of Narrations about “Maʿaʾish alʿIbad” Based on the Imami Jurist Viewpoint [Volume 2, Issue 1, 2015- 2016, Pages 73-97]

  • Mubahatah Documentary and Textual Analysis of the Hadith “Mubahatah” [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2015- 2016, Pages 55-75]


  • Naqd al-Hadith Fiqh al-Ḥadith Methods of Kulayni in the Explanation of al-Kafi Ḥadiths [Volume 2, Issue 1, 2015- 2016, Pages 133-153]


  • Premises Allamah Tabatabai's Premises Understanding of Hadiths in al_Bayan Fi al_Movafeghate Bain al_Hadithe va al_Quran. [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2015- 2016, Pages 151-173]

  • Promised Mahdi Chain and Textual Analysis of the Ḥadith “There is no Mahdi except Jesus” in the Sunni Sources [Volume 2, Issue 1, 2015- 2016, Pages 27-47]

  • Prophet Review on the Hadith "al-Shayikh among his People is Similar to a Prophet in his Nation" [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2015- 2016, Pages 77-99]


  • Qudsi Hadiths Explanation of the position of Divine Mercy in the Qudsi Ḥadiths (Based on Content Analysis Method) [Volume 2, Issue 1, 2015- 2016, Pages 99-131]



  • Shia Comparative Study of Feiz Kashani and Majlesi Views on the Meaning of the Reason on the basis of Shiite Hadiths [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2015- 2016, Pages 9-29]

  • Shrine Culture Traditions tomb of Adam, conflict and Solutions [Volume 2, Issue 1, 2015- 2016, Pages 9-25]

  • Siyaq of Verses Comparative Investigation of the Siyaq (text style) in al-Mizan and Tafsir al-Hadith in order to Evaluation of the Narratives [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2015- 2016, Pages 31-53]

  • Star Fall Traditions Critical Analysis of Traditions Indicating Star Fall on the Imam Ali's House [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2015- 2016, Pages 101-123]

  • Succession of Imam Ali Critical Analysis of Traditions Indicating Star Fall on the Imam Ali's House [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2015- 2016, Pages 101-123]

  • Sunni Chain and Textual Analysis of the Ḥadith “There is no Mahdi except Jesus” in the Sunni Sources [Volume 2, Issue 1, 2015- 2016, Pages 27-47]

  • Surah al-Najm Critical Analysis of Traditions Indicating Star Fall on the Imam Ali's House [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2015- 2016, Pages 101-123]


  • Text Prescriptive Precedence of Criticism of Document or Text [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2015- 2016, Pages 125-149]

  • Tohaf al-Uqoul Research on Validation of Narrations about “Maʿaʾish alʿIbad” Based on the Imami Jurist Viewpoint [Volume 2, Issue 1, 2015- 2016, Pages 73-97]

  • Tomb of Adam Traditions tomb of Adam, conflict and Solutions [Volume 2, Issue 1, 2015- 2016, Pages 9-25]

  • Traditions Conflict Traditions tomb of Adam, conflict and Solutions [Volume 2, Issue 1, 2015- 2016, Pages 9-25]


  • Ummah Review on the Hadith "al-Shayikh among his People is Similar to a Prophet in his Nation" [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2015- 2016, Pages 77-99]

  • Understanding The role of intellect in realization the properties of Hadith meaning and extension of its Understanding [Volume 2, Issue 1, 2015- 2016, Pages 155-179]

  • Understanding of Hadith’s Allamah Tabatabai's Premises Understanding of Hadiths in al_Bayan Fi al_Movafeghate Bain al_Hadithe va al_Quran. [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2015- 2016, Pages 151-173]


  • Validation Research on Validation of Narrations about “Maʿaʾish alʿIbad” Based on the Imami Jurist Viewpoint [Volume 2, Issue 1, 2015- 2016, Pages 73-97]


  • Wisdom Comparative Study of Feiz Kashani and Majlesi Views on the Meaning of the Reason on the basis of Shiite Hadiths [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2015- 2016, Pages 9-29]