Document Type : Research
1 Associate Professor of Department of Quran and Hadith Studies University of Isfahan
2 Assistant Professor of Department of Quran and Hadith Studies, University of Isfahan
3 M.A. Student of Quran and Hadith Studies, University of Isfaha
Content analysis method is a way that this research has applied for explanation of
one part of Qudsi Hadith regarding divine mercy. The most obvious adjective of
divine among Qudsi Hadith is mercy adjective. This adjective which is axial among
attribute hadiths covers many other hadiths so that if we neglect the importance
of this hadiths, other narrations don’t have very important concept and as if they
are nothing. The result of utilization of this method in analyzing of this genre is
explanation of Divine mercy attribute as an axial narration of Qudsi Hadiths