Number of Volumes | 11 |
Number of Issues | 21 |
Number of Articles | 205 |
Number of Contributors | 372 |
Article View | 359,789 |
PDF Download | 168,942 |
View Per Article | 1755.07 |
PDF Download Per Article | 824.11 |
----------------------------------------- | |
Number of Submissions | 1,315 |
Rejected Submissions | 977 |
Reject Rate | 74 |
Accepted Submissions | 187 |
Acceptance Rate | 14 |
Time to Accept (Days) | 212 |
Number of Indexing Databases | 15 |
Number of Reviewers | 230 |
Journal of Studies on Understanding Hadith received a scientific-research license from Iranian Ministry of Science, Research and Technology on 3/4/2017 under the No. 1265/18/3 by the first issue (Fall and Winter 2014).
Signing a Memorandum of Cooperation with Iranian Academic Association for Nahj al-Balaghah Studies
It ranks “B” among Iranian journals, assessed by Ministry of Science, Research and Technology in 2022
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Journal of Studies on Understanding Hadith is an Open Access Journal
Subscription Fee
Journal of Studies on Understanding Hadith has published as an open access electronic journal, so there is no subscription fee for audiences.
Open Access Policies
is a fully open-access journal, which means that all articles are available on the Web to all users immediately upon publication. Journal of Studies on Understanding Hadith is licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC-BY-NC 4.0). Licensees may copy, distribute, display and make derivative works only if they cite the original published article.
Following COPE: Observing rules of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the journal follows the executive regulations of the law on preventing and dealing with plagiarism in scientific works.
Authorship Rights: All authorship rights of the work belong to the author.
Plagiarism: In order to prevent plagiarism, Samim Noor Database for Text Semilarity is used.
The journal’s policy on how to deal with plagiarism: If an article is found to be plagiarized, the journal blacklists the author/authors. If their article has been published, the article is archived, highlighting the name of the author/authors by the phrase “The article is plagiarized”.
Country: Iran-Qazvin
Publisher: Imam Khomeini International University (IKIU)
Field: Understanding and Criticizing the Hadith
Language: bilingual (Persian and English)
Journal Frequency: Bi-quarterly
Format: online
Article Submission & Processing Charges: 6,000,000 Rials (review and publishing fees are according to the regulations for determining the cost of processing articles in open access scientific journals of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology). To pay the fee use Firefox.
Review Process: double-blind peer review (Details)- at least two reviewers
Review Duration: 3 to 6 months
Acceptance Rate: 13 percentage
Access to Articles: free (Open Access) & Full Text
Indexed: yes (Details)
Persian and English Editor: Dr. Mohammad Molavi
Arabic Editor: Dr. Ghasem Bostani & Dr. Mohammad-Reza Pircheragh
Contact and Design: Fatemeh Amedi
Cover Designer: Monir Ghafouri
In order to submit an article to the journal of Studies on Understanding Hadith, the authors must follow the rules of writing the article as stated in the “guide for authors,” otherwise, the article will not be reviewed.
Completing and submitting the “author commitment form” and the “conflict of interest form” are mandatory for all authors.
Author commitment form (word) (pdf)
Conflict of interest form (word) (pdf)
The author must upload the “Samim Noor Text Similarity” certification along with the “original file” of the article. (Samim Noor Database)
Due to being indexed in international databases, registration and display of free ORCID ID and academic email is mandatory for all authors of articles (especially the responsible author). Therefore, respected authors are requested to receive ORCID researcher ID code and academic email before sending the article to the journal. (The academic email should be received from the university, research institute, etc).
To get the ORCID researcher ID code, click on this link:
Click on this link to see the Persian guide to get the ORCID researcher ID code.
Imam Khomeini International University (IKIU)
Majid Mollayousefi
Fathiyeh Fattahi Zadeh
Executive Manager:
Mohammad Molavi
Editorial Board:
Fathiyeh Fattahi Zadeh
Nehleh Gharavi Naeeni
Mohammad Hadi Amin Naji
Mahdi Izadi
Davood Memari
Mohammad Molavi
Seyed Mohammad Mirhosseini
Narges Ansari
International Editorial Board:
Maha Kheirbak Naser
Executive Director:
Fatemeh Amedi
Frequency: Semiannual
Online ISSN: 2588-4417
This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work non-commercially, and although their new works must also acknowledge you and be non-commercial, they don’t have to license their derivative works on the same terms.