Article Submission Guideline

Sina-Web is an integrated system of scientific journals on the web, via which researchers can submit their articles online. All journal information, including the full text of the articles, information about the manager, the editor, and the editorial board, as well as the authors’ guide, are available through this system.

Login the Journal

To login the journal, it’s necessary to complete the registration process.

Registration Process

First, click on the link of the journal whose site has been designed in both Persian and English. After choosing the language (preferably Farsi), click on the Registration and fill out the relevant form carefully. It is mandatory to complete the items marked with an asterisk. Enter your complete information, preferably in Farsi.

Enter your email address carefully. From now on, you will be contacted through this address. After completing and submitting the registration form, the username and password will be sent to your email address. To continue, log in using your username and password. By logging in, change your password. Note that it is not possible to change the username at all.

If you forget your password, enter your email address in the appropriate field. A new password will be sent to your address. It is recommended that you change your password after logging in.

Do not share your username and password with others. You are responsible for entering the correct information. Click on the personal information link to change your profile or address.

Author’s Page

Scientific Journals’ website of the University has the following facilities:

Submit a new article: Submitting and completing new manuscripts are possible here. To submit a new manuscript, you should fill in the registration form as well as the submission form.

Manuscripts for revision: Articles that have been accepted and need to be revised or are being revised are displayed here. It also displays the list of articles that have not been revised and deleted for any reason from the system within a month. It is possible to observe the latest status of articles that have been accepted by the editorial board and need to be revised and corrected in this section. It should be noted that the articles that are not revised for any reason by the due date will be deleted from the system. It is possible to resubmit them to the journal if the author desire.

Completed Manuscripts: Those articles that are ready for publication, as well as those whose review have been canceled at the request of the author, and those that have been sent through a call, are displayed here.

After logging in, click on the personal page to access its facilities.

Submit a New Manuscript

Select the Manuscript Type: complete paper, research project, review paper, etc.

Enter the Title: enter the short title here.

Add Author(s)’ Information: If the article has more than one author, enter the author’s full information in the relevant section. If one of these authors is identified as the corresponding author, it is necessary to register her/him in the system. All correspondence of the journal office will be with the corresponding author.

Enter the Abstract: Abstract should be between 150-250 words.

Add keywords: Keywords should not be more than 7 words.

Select a Topic: select a topic among those available there.

Additional Description: Use here if you need to add a certain description of the article for the editorial board.

Accepting Terms of the Journal: to continue submission process, if you agree terms of the journal concerning originality of the article and not submitting the same article to other journals, select this option.

Add Files: To send the submission to the article, you should send the following files:

- a letter to the editor, requesting review the article;

- checklist file in order to make sure that everything has been done completely;

- the original article file without mentioning the names of the authors, nor be more than 2 mg.

Submit Tables, Charts and Pictures Separately Too

- If necessary, enter other information related to the documents of the article.

Complete Article Submission

- After completing all the information and sending the files, click on “Complete Article Submission”.

- It is notably possible to edit the information in the step of “Completing and submitting” the article.

Observe Latest Status of Article: To see the latest status of the article, click on the Author’s Page.

If your article has been submitted correctly, it will be shown in the “Sent/Final Articles” section. If your article is accepted and needs to be revised, it will be shown in the section that should be revised. Articles under review can also be seen in this section.

Instructions to Prepare and Edit Articles

  1. General Terms

The journal welcomes original research and analytical articles in which specialized material or theories with innovation, new scientific and non-adapted points are presented.

The following information should be sent along with the article: name and surname of the author(s) in Farsi and English; Level of education, academic rank, educational department, name of the faculty, university and city of the author(s) in Farsi and English; Specifying the corresponding author, in case of multiple authors; Enter the e-mail address and phone number of the author(s).

Dear authors, send your articles’ files via only to the journal’s electronic system.

The initial acceptance of the article is subject to compliance with the “Guide to Prepare and Edit Articles”. The final acceptance and publication is subject to the approval of the review council. Anyway, the result will be announced to the author.

  1. How to Prepare Articles

The length of the article should not be less than 5000 nor more than 8000 words. All articles should include a title, abstract (maximum 250 words) and keywords (maximum 7 words) in Persian, English languages. Articles should include introduction, main body, conclusion and references. Foreign equivalents of proper names, and special terms and words should be mentioned in the footnote.

The article should be written in Word 2013, main text in IRLotus13 font, and footnotes in IRLotus11.

English phrases should be written in Times New Roman font, 2 times smaller than the Persian size in the text or footnote.

In addition to the word file, PDF should also be sent. The distance between the lines should be 1 centimeter.

Article references should be in-text, in such a way that to refer to the sources in the text of the article, the surname or the nickname of the author of a book or an article, the year of publication, the volume number and the page or pages of the source are given in parentheses; e.g. (Tabataba’i, 1417 AH, 1: 210). If several sources are used from the same author and the year of publication of both is the same, the name of each source should be given after the author’s name, otherwise, mentioning the year of publication is enough. Non-Persian in-text references should be given in the same way with the original language, e.g. (Nelson, 1927, 1: 115). In internet references, the surname, the exact date and the address should be mentioned.

Explanatory notes should be inserted in the footnote with 2 times smaller than the font size of the text. The reference in the notes should be in the same way as the text with the detailed biography of the source in the references list at the end of the article. If using a dictionary or an encyclopedia that has an editor, his name and page number should be put in parentheses.

Sources: At the end of the article, first Persian and Arabic sources (including books and articles) and then Latin sources based on the authors’ surnames or their nicknames, in alphabetical order, should be mentioned as follows:

Book: surname, name (author/authors), book name in italic/Iranic, translation or edition: name and surname of the translator or editor, publication place, the publisher, publication times (if it is the first edition, it is not necessary), publication year.

Article: surname, name (author/authors), “article’s title” (in quotation marks), journal’s name (in italics/Iranic), journal’s year, number of the journal, number of the first and last pages of the article. (Authors should put the DOI or DOR of the articles they used in the references at the end).

Internet sources: surname, name (author/authors), “topic title” (in quotation marks), (or title of electronic publication, year, volume number), name and address of the website.

All the verses of the Qur’an should be fully punctuated (specify with Arabic Haraka) and must be enclosed in quotation marks. The address of the verses should be inserted in parentheses immediately after mentioning them, e.g. (Al-Baqarah: 185). Surahs that have Al (ال), should be given in the original form in the references.

In the references, if the author’s name is repeated, use spaces (------) instead of using the word “ibid” or repeating the author’s name.

Narratives (Hadiths) should also be punctuated (specify with Arabic Haraka) completely and mentioned inside quotation marks.

It is mandatory to follow the Persian script approved by the Persian Language and Literature Academy.

The order of the articles in references is based on the alphabetical order of the article titles.

After the abstract, use only the word “keywords”.

After keywords, the articles should start with the number 1- and with the title of the problem statement. Do not use the words introduction and foreword.

In references and sources, after the publication year, solar years should be converted to Gregorian. Solar year is written with AH, e.g. 1413 AH.

While numbering titles, be sure to use a hyphen after the number and avoid putting a period, comma, etc. e.g. 1-2-….

When using quotation marks, make sure that use Farsi style in Persian texts and English one in English style.

Dots, colons and commas should be attached to the words before them and be separated from the words after them by one character.

Express the conclusion numerically.

References should be listed alphabetically at the end of the article and avoid numbers.

If you use the name of the Prophet and his Family, use the signs (PBUH) or (AS).

Authors whose articles are sent for revision should color the corrections they have made in black and yellow.


Acknowledgment of the sponsor or creditor of the research (if any) is required in the articles. The author(s) should mention the name of the centers or people who have affected the completion of the study and should express their appreciation of their help. Moreover, if the study has a financial sponsor, it should be mentioned and appreciated in this section.