Document Type : Research


1 Ph.D. Student of Quran and Hadith Studies University of Mazandaran.

2 Assistant Professor of Department of Quran and Hadith Studies, University of Mazandaran


Based on some Hadiths called Azillah, Ashbah or Arvah Hadiths, appearance of
human spirit has been created before their bodies. Some scholars such as Mufid
(413) believe that they are not correct. Numerous References to these kinds of
Hadiths in different scope such as exegetical, cognitive, and theological clear
the necessity of Feqh al-Hadith evaluation of these Hadiths. Present study via
descriptive-analytical methods and through library sources attempt to explain and
evaluate various aspects of these like textual and Hadiths. This study in addition to
the textual and chain analysis shows that probably these Hadiths don’t have enough
authenticity and their entrance to the primary sources have done through Israeeliat
Narrators as well as extremist. The result has apparent influence on accepting or
rejecting of Dhar world theory.
