Document Type : Research
1 , M.A. of Quran and Hadith Studies, Shahed University
2 Assistant Professor, Shāhed Univesrsity.
One of the textual indications for the understanding of the Quranic verses is attention to text style and its context. Allameh Tabatabee in al-Mizan and Muhammd Izat Darvazah in his book, al-Tafsir al-Hadith are used greatly from this theorem. According to Allameh Tabatabee, Siyaq of the verses is the best indication for better understanding of the intention of a verse and based on Darvazah inattention to the siyaq of the similar verses can cause misunderstanding of the real ends of verses. So, these two exegetes have used abundantly from siyaq in the variety functions in their interpretation. Since these commentators have applied lots of narrations in their works, and on the other hand, interpretative narratives are not correct totally, usually they verify them through siyaq. They have evaluated interpretative narrations in eight categories: four kinds are common between them and each of them has individual type.