Document Type : Research


1 Assistant Professor, Tarbiat Modares University

2 M.A. of Quran and Hadith Studies, Tarbiat Modares University.


Each science has its own premises, which acquiring those premises can provide correct understanding this science. One of these religious sciences is Feqh al-Hadith which at observing its correct premises helps the researcher to deduce the meaning of narrative texts. Interpretation of al_Bayan Fi al_Movafeghate Bain al_Hadithe va al_Quran by 'Allama Tabatabai with respect narrative approach and also Allama's attempt to explain the compatibility of interpretation the Ahl al-Bayt (AS) with the Quran has a series premises of his own Feqh al-Hadith. Scrutiny of the precious interpretation as the first of work Allama in the field of interpretation shows that he in his interpretation implicitly or explicitly considers some premises understanding of hadith that include: authority of the traditions of Imams in the commentary, invalidity of the companion hadiths and their followers, the necessity of agreement of Hadith to the Qur'an, Possibility of changing in text of the hadith and lastly lack of opposition among Imams speeches.
