Volume 11 (2025-2024)
Volume 10 (2023- 2024)
Volume 9 (2023-2022)
Volume 8 (2022-2021)
Volume 7 (2021-2020)
Volume 6 (2020-2019)
Volume 5 (2019-2018)
Volume 4 (2018-2017)
Volume 3 (2016- 2017)
Volume 2 (2015- 2016)
Volume 1 (2014- 2015)
Number of Articles: 14
Hadith Related to Women's Tasmiiah: Criticism of Content Based on Radical knowledge
Volume 7, Issue 2 , February 2021, Pages 9-25
In the review of different types of hadith, one of the species of hadiths is a signification, part of which refers to specific names, such as the name of the prophets, and the characters ... Read MoreReligious Quotes on the Avoidance of Crying for the Dead: An Inclusive Context-Oriented Approach
Volume 7, Issue 2 , February 2021, Pages 27-47
Crying is an emotive human phenomenon initiated shortly after birth as the first natural act in man’s life. Bitter forms of crying often occur when one loses a dear person or ... Read MoreThe Quality Review on the Differentiation in the Narrative of the Place and the Occasions of Revelation in Surah “al-Insaan” in the Interpretations al-Dur al-Manthour and Nur al-Thaqalain
Volume 7, Issue 2 , February 2021, Pages 49-69
The distinction between the narratives of the place and the occasion of revelation of surah “Al-Insan” has created an interpretative gap between the researchers of the two-sects ... Read MoreReview & Analysis of Textual Interpolation of Ḥadiths in the Book of Jawāhir al-Kalām
Volume 7, Issue 2 , February 2021, Pages 71-91
The Ḥadiths are the means of narrating the traditions of the Immaculate Imams to us, which in fact are the teachings of the Almighty. Yet the topic of Ḥadith has gone through so ... Read MoreDating of Hiding Secret Hadiths and the Role of Ghulats in them
Volume 7, Issue 2 , February 2021, Pages 93-116
One of the most important bases of the thoughts of Ghulats is introversion and hiding secrets. Ghulats used different methods including insertion in hadith, forging of hadith, isnad-based ... Read MoreAnalysis of the Impact of Israeli Narratives on the Jurisprudential Opinions of Commentators by the End of the 5th Century
Volume 7, Issue 2 , February 2021, Pages 119-139
the influence of the Israeli narratives (in a special meaning) that the main source of which were the Jewish religious text and the narratives from the new Muslim of Ahl-Alketab, is ... Read MoreAnalysis of the Jurisprudential Hadith Narrations of Stoning (Rajm) in Sunni Narration Sources and the Role of "Ibn Shihab al-Zuhri" in Establishing it
Volume 7, Issue 2 , February 2021, Pages 141-159
The pragmatics of the method of hadith jurisprudence and biographical evaluation (Ilm al-Rijāl) in the analysis of narrative and historical propositions related to the verdict of stoning ... Read MoreRecognition the Followers of the False Based on the Analysis of the Content of Imam Sadegh's Letter to His Companions
Volume 7, Issue 2 , February 2021, Pages 161-185
Among the valuable relics left by Imam Sadegh, there is an open letter addressed to the companions in all eras, to which he paid special attention. According to the text of the narration, ... Read MoreTypology of Deduction on the Qur'an Based on Traditions of the Infallibles Ones
Volume 7, Issue 2 , February 2021, Pages 187-207
Among the Interpretive narrations- which are often influenced by the status of infallibility and Imamate - are those in which, Infallibles (Ma’soumin) not necessarily relying ... Read MoreFiqh al-Hadith Fi Zlah al- Sahifeh al- Sajjadieh in Comparison with the Objective Hermeneutic Model
Volume 7, Issue 2 , February 2021, Pages 209-230
Hermeneutics as a hub for understanding texts, existence, knowledge, etc. has two tendencies, relativist and objectivist. Objectivists, unlike relativists, believe in the possibility ... Read MoreThe Critique and Analysis of the Phrase "If the Beginning of Surah had been Sent Down in Mecca, it had been Written Meccan," on the Emergence of the Exceptional Verses
Volume 7, Issue 2 , February 2021, Pages 233-254
According to the phrase "If the beginning of Surah had been sent down" some commentators believe in the emergence of the exceptional verses. While the exceptional verses are due to ... Read MoreExplaining the Meaning of "Itta al-Forosh" in the Prophetic Traditions (p.b.u.h)
Volume 7, Issue 2 , February 2021, Pages 257-275