Document Type : Research


Associated Professor, Department of Quranic Studies, Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies


In the review of different types of hadith, one of the species of hadiths is a signification, part of which refers to specific names, such as the name of the prophets, and the characters of the verses, and partly to the vocabulary circle. Especially in this latter case, it is important that it is possible to test its content with root science. The present article seeks to ascertain that the three words related to the woman, "mara", mean the human being, and "nisaa" means its addition, and the special name "ewa" as the first woman in the field of radicalization and to show the traditions How are they evaluated about the meaning of the signifier? The purpose of this research is to limit the content critique of this part of narratives related to the evaluation of the gender of the woman, and to open up a new level of use of historical linguistics in the content critique of the hadith. The method used in this research is rooted in common patterns in the Sami historical linguistics, and, according to the discussion, a limited level of comparison of the content of the traditions with the sacred texts of the earlier religions has also been used. In the domain of the domain, the focus of the discussion is in particular Hadithi, quoted by Imam Ja'far Sadiq (AS), in which they refer to the three aspects of the verse. Of course, in non-Imamieh texts, similar themes have also been narrated from Ibn-Abbas.


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