Document Type : Research


Ph.D student of Quran and Hadith Sciences, Farabi School, University of Tehran.


Every text is influenced by various sources. Knowing these sources and their effects has special benefits. Therefore, we would like to help to better understand these two works by discovering and examining the influence of two commentaries of Kitab al-Kafi, which were written in the Safavid era. The result is that Miraat al-Uqool has benefited a lot from Mirza Rafiaa's margin. Majlesi has used Mirzaa's al-Hashia in various fields such as explaining the meaning of words, morphological, syntactic and rhetorical discussions, differences in versions and analysis of traditions. Majlisi's extensive quotation shows the high status of Mirza's al-Hashia in Majlisi's eyes. Other reasons for this extensive citation can be attributed to things such as Majlisi's narrativeism and prudence and his tendency to quote various sayings, Majlisi's multiplicity of work, The brevity of Mirza's al-Hashia , Mirza's being one of Majlisi sheikhs and prominent scholars of the Safavid era, and Majlisi's intellectual closeness to Mirza pointed out. Although in some cases Majlisi has limited himself to quoting Mirza's words, he has also paid much attention to other aspects and sayings. Also, in some cases, Majlisi has expressed his opinion and preferred some funds and in some cases he has given problems to Mirza.


Main Subjects

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