Document Type : Research


1 PHD Student of Quran and Hadith Sciences, Payam Noor University, Tehran, iran.

2 Associate Professor, Department of Quranic and Hadith Sciences, University of Kashan, iran.

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Quranic and Hadith Sciences, Payam Noor University, Tehran, iran.

4 Assistant Professor, Department of Quranic and Hadith Sciences, University of Kashan, iran.


The first method used by Islamic historians under the influence of muhaddithin (traditionists) in narrating and writing history is narrative history, where the historian, like a narrator, is content with merely quoting hadith and in the case of criticism, he is limited to checking the authenticity of the narrator.  At the beginning, the historian has established the competence of the hadith narrators in the manner of scholarly knowledge and the art of jarh (criticizing) and of ta'deel (praising), and due to the similarity of the style of criticism and review of history to hadith, having sufficient knowledge of hadith documents, the degree of authenticity and unauthenticity, the narrator's injury and modification, and the content of hadith. In this way, a series news documents endeavors to gain the help of ilm al-rijāl; literally meaning 'Knowledge of Men', but more commonly understood as the Science of Narrators) as well as jarh (criticizing) and of ta'deel (praising) and it shows a clear picture of the origin of history from inside the hadith. Islamic scholars as well as western historians such as Shakht, Yanbal and Motsky, who have a background in criticizing hadiths, have relied upon the method of historical analysis of texts and evaluating them through independent and external examples in their research. Therefore, the main goal of this research is to investigate the historical atmosphere of the narrators about whom there are criticisms and corrections (jarh (criticizing) and of ta'deel (praising)) and according to the necessity of resolving the conflict in the way of (document-text analysis) focusing on the conflict part of the Rijal’s opinions, this research validates these statements and analyzes and looks into a bit of the history of these conflicts. This research is organized with the descriptive-analytical method and the use of organized library sources and by implementing the document-text analysis method in the science of Shia scholars, narrators such as Hisham bin Hakam and Yunus bin Abd al-Rahman, who have conflicts in their validation and weakening, are known as common texts and by taking advantage of the series of Rijali’s documents and drawing a chain of confirming and weakening narrators, it is possible to date and validate the history of these conflicts. As a result, by drawing a network of Jarh narrations and traditions of Hisham bin Hakam and Yunus bin Abd al-Rahman, the common link of these traditions is Yaqub bin Yazid and Abdullah bin Hajjal, and it can be found that they played a central role in the publication of Jarh traditions.


Main Subjects

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