Document Type : Promotional


1 Professor, Department of Quranic and Hadith Sciences, University of Qom, Qom, Iran.

2 Master’s Student of Science of Hadith - Tafsir athari, University of Qom, Qom, Iran.


Examining different types of hadiths of Ghadir in providing a clear picture and discovering some neglected facts and knowledge of Ghadir’s revelatory event is essential and has the capacity to respond to the research and educational needs of the current era. This article is based on the method of content analysis and with library documents on typology, determining the frequency, comparing the hadiths of Ghadir in the works of two Sunni scholars of the third and fourth centuries, namely Ahmad bin Shoaib Nasa’i and Suleiman bin Ahmad Tabarani, and paying attention to the knowledge that can be extracted from the types Various hadiths of Ghadeer have been discussed. Twenty narrations of Ghadir extracted from Nasai’s works were classified into six types and forty narrations of Ghadir were placed into nine types in Tabarani’s works. The appeals of Imam Ali (A.S), taking martyrdom from the people by the Prophet (PBUH), news sentences, and Ibn Abbas’s narration are common types (and at the same time different in terms of frequency and structure) in the works of Nasa’i and Tabarani. Among the points of commonality and difference, we can mention the types of taking the martyrdom of the Prophet (PBUH(. In the works of Nasa’i, one case of the hadiths is taking testimony without asking questions (the news aspect), but in the works of Tabrani, all of them are with questioning sentences of the Prophet (PBUH). “Don’t I deserve you more than yourself??” was observed. It is also one of the common types in the works of Nasa’i and Tabarani, the narration of Ibn Abbas, which has a high consistency both in terms of the document and the text. Knowledge such as the position of imamate and the guardianship of the innocents (A.S) especially the Commander of the Faithful Ali bin Abi Talib (A.S), the virtues of the Ahl al-Bayt (A.S), the relationship between the Qur’an and Atrat (saqlain), answers to doubts about the imamate, etc. can be extracted from the types of Ghadeer hadiths. Is.


Main Subjects

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