Document Type : Research
Associate Professor, University of Religions and Religions, Faculty of Shia Studies, Department of Shia Theology.
Bada is one of the special religious doctrines of Shiites. Bada is defined in the traditions as follows: God’s hand is open for erasing and proving, bringing forward and backward, and for any change and transformation in the world at any time and in any form, while He had knowledge of the entire universe before creation, and undoubtedly, the knowledge of the prophets and angels also comes from His knowledge. However, there is an issue that has apparently challenged bada’s topic, and that is, any change and transformation are caused by previous ignorance and subsequent knowledge, so it does not apply to God, who has eternal and absolute knowledge. Therefore, to resolving this problem, many solutions have been proposed. This article aims to examine the solutions presented in the traditions to show that divine bada is not because of ignorance or lack of knowledge. This is because of Shia attention to all aspects of theological issues. Also, in order to overcome any possible problem, including the most important challenge of the incompatibility of bada with divine knowledge, a scientific and persuasive solution has been presented.
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