Document Type : Research
1 Ph.D in Philosophy and Islamic Theology, Zanjan University.
2 Associated Professor of Wisdom and Theology Department of Shahid Beheshti University.
There are many hadiths in Shia and Sunni Hadiths books about the reward of deeds (Savab’ol Aa’mal). The repetition and multiplicity of these hadiths in these books is one of the reasons that make it difficult to ignore this hadiths. The general method of hadith scholars in dealing with these hadiths is to use the Man Balgh rule, based on which, despite the weakness of the chain of transmission, these hadiths are accepted with a tolerant attitude. While the study and accuracy in the content of these hadiths shows the obvious contradictions in them. In the current research, it is suggested to use new linguistic approaches and pay attention to different capacities of language to solve the problem of conflicts. In this approach, the meaning in Savab’ol Aa’mal hadiths can be justified based on the perspective of speech act theory, in such a way that these hadiths are meaningful by creating an effective action in the audience, and if they cannot create the intended effective action based on the intellectual and belief system of the audience, It is considered to have a semantic disorder. The relative advantage of this strategy, in addition to the wideness of the meaningful range, is that, in this method, expressions can be measured and evaluated without necessarily going through the path of truth or falsity.
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