Document Type : Research


Assistant Professor Department of Quran and Hadith Sciences, Azerbaijan Shahid Madani University


Riyaz al-Salekin Interpretation of Sayyid Ali Khan is one of the comprehensive and complete interpretations of Sahifeh Sajjadieh, which is written in Arabic. The author of this commentary is proficient in various sciences, so this commentary is full of various literary, rhetorical, Qur'anic, narrative, theological and mystical topics. The main issue of this article is the typology of the perceptions of Mr. Ali Khan in understanding the text of the prayers in Riyaz al-Salekin. Using the text critique patterns, the typology the perceptions of sayyed Ali khan are discussed. The results indicate that in the position of perception based on the text, he has used linguistic sciences to analyze the themes of the prayers in the best possible way. Also, using rhetorical sciences, he has been able to show the literal beauties of prayer and in some cases use them semantically. At the same time, he has not entered the cultural level of perception based on the text. The other part of his perceptions are beyond the text based on the any text by establishing intertextuality between the texts of prayers and verses of the Qur'an and the narrations of the Imams of the Infallibles (AS), especially Nahj al-Balaghah. In this step he has explained and developed the contents of the prayers. Also, a significant part of this description is the result of the phenomenon of interpretation in interpretation.


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