Document Type : Research
1 Assistant Professor of Imam Khomeini International University
2 Ph.D Student in Quranic and Hadith Sciences, Qom University
Giving credibility or weakness to each narrator of a series of documents, or accepting and rejecting a text and document and how to interact with a narrative, is based on criteria and criteria, the discovery of which means recognizing the method of critique and assessment of a leading thinker on the subject. He is. This descriptive-analytical article explains and explains the approach and criteria of rijal-research of the esteemed imitation authority; Scattered and unencrypted, it is not presented academically, it is briefly analyzed and explained. Ayatollah Shobiri, with a wise approach, from the point of view of principled jurists, acknowledges and emphasizes the need to address the science of men as an effective tool to explain the authenticity of the issuance of hadith, which is itself the prelude to proving authenticity and explaining its meaning. His criteria for validating the documents and narrators of the hadiths are in most cases harmonious and in accordance with the well-known opinions of the fundamentalists, and in some cases they are different and critical.