Document Type : Research


1 Professor, al-Zahra University

2 Ph.D. Student of Quran and Hadith Studies, University of al-Zahra


Cognitive linguists believe that the importance of conceptual schemas as a part of the language and thinking mechanisms is that they can systematically, as basic elemental concepts, provide a Structure of more complex concepts. Prophetic traditions to explain virtues and vices of social ethics and the consequences of them, using imaginary patterns, degraded subjective concepts at the level of understanding of all people, especially the Arabs at the beginning of Islam and brought out the spirituality to the sensibility climate. The aim of this research is to study the representation of imaginary patterns in the prophetic traditions (virtues and vices of social ethics) Based on the “Evans and Green imaginary patterns” model in the framework of cognitive semantics. For this purpose, the schemas in prophetic narratives are studied by descriptive-analytical method. Evidence shows that forms of force, restraint, homogeneity, dynamic, space, unity, balance, existence are found in the text contexture of traditions and through such schemes, the Prophet (pbuh) has expressed the unique concepts of virtues and divisions of social ethics in the form of the consequences of them and the way of their treatment.


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