Document Type : Research


Department of Logic of Religion / Research Center for Islamic Culture and Thought


The issue of this article is how to discover the means of issuance of hadiths and their validation indicators. In this discussion, which is one of the topics of Hadith Science, there are ten steps to discover the issuance of space, which are briefly: Acquiring the desired purpose of the narrative, discovering its Hadith family, comparing it with the intellectual and transcendental qualities and the upper laws, a review of the tone of narration, the examination of the temporal and temporal location of the narrative published (in order to discover parties and social movements, intellectual and ideological issues, jurisprudence schools, moral schools, social conditions, such as war, famine, rebellion, repression, Welfare and ..., the way of exchanges and communication between people and between cities and countries) The condition of the first narrator narrated from him, the search for the subject of narration in the books, the comparison of the provisions of the narration with the beliefs and sentences of the Sunni, the confirmation or rejection of the probability of reciprocity, the confirmation or exclusion of the probability of the narrative personality theorem, the outcome of the above steps For the license to cite the apparent narrative.


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