Document Type : Research
1 M.A. of Quran and Hadith atudies, Shahed University
2 Assistant Professor, Shahed University
Despite the fact that the exegetical traditions have been noticed from various perspectives, but the analysis of their dimensions and components is among the new researches in the scene of tradition researches which intends to discover the contextual elements of this category of traditions through methodological studies in the motifs of exegetical traditions. As resorting to the Quran and Tradition is based on understanding these two valuable weighty things, thus the present research is an attempt to consider the ideological components and exegetical traditions of Surah al-Mu'minun in the Shiite traditional exegeses by the use of content method analysis, inductive method and the analysis unit of the tradition motif. Furthermore, it tries to answer this question that based on exegetical traditions of Surah al-Muminoon, which of the ideological basic elements have been employed by the infallible Imams to enhance and orient human towards perfection. Classifying the ideological motifs of exegetical traditions thematically, this research deals with an analysis of the basic beliefs in Surah al-Mu'minunto display finally the basic structure ruling the exegetical traditions of Surah al-Mu'minun in the ideological dimension.